SEEING THINGS IN A NEW LIGHT I recently collaborated with a fabulous eyewear boutique called Envision Optical in Burleigh Heads who has not only a great philosophy but a great range of stock and a love of Australian designers. One of the things I adore about my job is the people I meet behind the brands I get to work with, because ultimately they are the passion and inspiration that make the products and the service. Mike, who runs the Burleigh store is an absolute legend. He's worked in corporate land in a past life (much like myself) but wanted to slow down and focus on creating more of a REAL life for him and his beautiful family and became part of the Envision Optical "vision". Envision's mantra : Personalised service for unique individuals who want the best for their health, lifestyle and image - LOVE IT x And the best thing, they are right into sustainability, go electronic wherever possible and all paper used in the business comes from sust...