When I was a kid I thought for sure by the year 2000, the world would be like The Jetsons and we'd be zipping around in our space cars, with robots as our personal maids and we'd have secret pens, shoes and watches as phones - yes ok so there is a bit of Bond and Inspector Gadget in there, but I was a kid lol The year 2000 goes by and there are no workable/sellable space cars in sight however today launches the Samsung Galaxy Gear Smart Watch. As reviewed by Luke Hopewell HERE it still has a long way to go but is definitely the first step in advancement technology in phone companionship. I think this is cool - and very super spy walking around talking into your wrist, although it may cause some unnecessary paranoia to the sensitive. I can think of nothing better than NOT having to rummage around in my ridiculously oversized bag every time I hear the various annoying sounds emanate from my iPhone, and just being able to check my watch for the text, email or cal