It's funny the paths we choose along our way of life. Hard to believe over 10 years ago I was in the Australian Army as a scholarship winner training to be an Officer - my how things change. Over the years, i've wandered... moved around, explored my creativity and love of people and life looking for my place in the world but never feeling lost. I've worked in hospitality, law, property and for the past 8 years have been self employed working in PR and Marketing and of course my blog. I asked my mum if she could remember what I wanted to be when I grew up when I was younger, she said that as a teenager my career dreams changed constantly varing from working with animals to being a lawyer, from being a scuba diver instructor to a fashion designer (which ultimately was my most desired career apparently). However, she said that as a child I never had any future career dreams, I was just happy playing, being a kid... Not much has changed lol. The age old question ...