For years I've always been told how lucky I was to have such good skin. And for years I always blew the compliments off with a casual thank you. As I get older, I now cherish those compliments knowing how lucky I actually am. Catching up with family, specifically the older generations I realise that it's all in the genes. My 85 year old grandfather doesn't look a day over 70, his younger sister who turned 70 this year looks barely 55 and my mum, who probably won't want me revealing her age haha is looking the best she has in years (in fact most people think she's lying when she reveals she has a 34 year old daughter!). I am blessed with the obviously magic youth genes from my mothers side but also the genes from my fathers side which carries the Native American heritage - which I believe are forever youthful. Most people think i'm in my mid-late 20's and i'm happy with that ;-) Everyone is different, so I thought I would share my daily ski...
Thank you for sharing such a great blog.