I Love My Little Olympus

Olympus VG 140
Being a blogger, having an easy to use camera is a pretty important part of the deal. Now I don't pretend to be a photographer by any means, nor do I want to be, but I do want to be able to take nice photos to show all you the beautiful things in my life...

The Olympus VG 140 Smart Digital Compact Camera, not only being a sexy little beast that it is  (don't you think??!) it's sleek (smaller than my blackberry), lightweight, and soooo easy to use. Okay here are the stats:

14 Mp, 5 x zoom, a massive 3.0" LCD screen (see pic below), HD movie - yes you can film too (woohoo) AND it even has this cool feature where you can have magic filters like pop art, drawing, soft focus and the list goes on - oh and they come in black, pink, silver and blue.
Olympus VG 140
Below is a pic I took last night on the pop art filter - not too shabby :-).
Plus with the SD memory card, I can just take it out and pop it straight into my laptop and upload straight to my blog - no fuss.

At the moment these camera's are retailing for as little as $100.0 so it's a great price for a great quality camera with a great quality brand.

I love My Little Olympus - thank you x


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