Curvy Revolution - Plus Size Modelling Agency Launches

Curvy Revolution fills the gap by representing size 16+ Australian Women Janine Mison, plus-size ambassador, is leading the charge for realistic, identifiable models by launching Australia’s first agency representing size 16+ women, Curvy Revolution. Janine is the founder of Real Women Have Curves in Melbourne ( a successful business specialising in styling, shopping and motivational experiences for women size 16+. She runs VIP Events, one-on-one consultations, styling advice, workshops and much more. She also consults to the industry and has established herself as an ambassador for Curvy Women of Australia. Recently approached by Australian designer Joanne Crowe, to assist in launching her new plus-size label Curvaliscious, Janine and one of her models Alysha Renee Cole together with Joanne, featured in the first ever plus-size catwalk at Sydney’s Industry Event, Fashion Exposed. The Industry and buyer response from this expose was p...