Face of Australia - Liquid Eyeliner

RRP $8.95
Last week I received a lovely package from Face of Australia's PR agent to review a couple of products from their range. One of their products was their liquid eyeliner, as pictured above, which when I opened it up i freaked a little because eye liner, especially liquid eyeliner is one thing I am yet to master. In fact, eye make up in general is one area I stay away from... unless i'm getting a professional to do it for me lol.

Needless to say, now is a good a time as ever to learn, and probably the best way to review a product.....

As you'll see by the pictures below i'm not wearing any other make up, I wanted to try it raw and real. AND this was my one and only and FIRST EVER attempt with liquid eyeliner. 

Face of Australia you've totally got me hooked. 

I've always envied the "cat eye" look, it's so sexy, and whenever I get my make up professionally done, that is the only look I ever ask for, so now to be able to do it myself, I am so incredibly excited - sorry MUA's I may no longer need you :(

Being such a small bottle made it manageable to hold in my hands and the actual applicator itself is ultra fine for neat defined lines as you can see. And for extra selling power, it's water resistant!

The product wasn't gluggy or messy, it didn't clump or drip either - I feel like i've been missing out all this time lol

It goes without saying, i'll be wearing it every day I have something fabulous on now... you just look out in my future pics - wink wink

At only $8.95 this is an incredible buy, and if you're a beginner like me, this is such a great product to learn with and to build your confidence or if you're experienced to get that sleek polished look.

As I said, the photos taken below were after my first attempt which took me literally only a couple of minutes, it was so easy to apply. Time to experiment now for the X Factor - keep an eye out for my sexy eyes at Gold Coast Fashion Week - purrrrr xxxx


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